Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy 19th Birthday, Brandon!!!

Edie, Lisa and Brandon at Thurman's Burgers.....Finally got a table!

There was a fight for the camera right before this picture was taken. The waitress was on my side, of course.

Can Edie finish this burger???

Bob can!
Well, Happy 19th Birthday, Brandon Scott !!!
It took a while, but we finally got a table and food at Thurman's Burgers!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Spaghetti Dinner 2011

Enjoyed another Lucarelli Spaghetti Dinner to benefit St. Richard Youth Group!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lunch with Girlfriends

Val, Laura, and I
My girlfriends and I had a lunch date today at The Gathering.
These are my friends that I met at St. Richard. Our kids went to school there together.
I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends in my life!

Friday, January 7, 2011

GNO at Bravo's

Patty, Meg, Janet and I at Bravo's enjoying a GNO.
A week from tomorrow Patty goes on her big ski trip to Vail. Have fun Patty!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I recently received some pictures......

......from Edie's camera. So I am sharing. Three of them are from my birthday. There is a nice picture of Edie with her dog, Rascal. And last but not least there is a picture from early October when Cousin Wendy came to visit from Wyoming.