Saturday, June 26, 2010

Baker Housewarming Party

Edie, Rick, Linda, Jan, Avis & Craig
Rick looking at the crazy teens flying around in the golf cart

Arienne and Spooky

Lydia taller than Edie

Arienne, Angel, Edie & Avis

Cousin Andrea & Family moved recently and had their housewarming party this weekend. They are now closer to us....moving from Waterville to Monclova. They are right on Monclova, but way back from the road. Its a beautiful piece of property with a pond. I got to visit with lots of family that I don't always get to see!

Brandon's summer job

Brandon got a great summer job! He graduated from High School on the 23rd of May and started employment with ODOT on the 24th!!! No break whatsoever! ODOT has a great program for High School graduates enrolled in college for the upcoming fall. I believe it is a 12-week program. Its a full time job for the summer. He is working 6:30 to 3 everyday. He has mowed, trimmed weeds, been a flagger, picked up dead deer off state highways (ewww!), filled potholes, etc. I know its not always fun or easy, but I think he really likes it. He has met some really good people, learned a lot, is earning money for college, and probably has really learned the value of hard work. It is not easy to get this job and we have to thank our friend, Denny Viers. He put Brandons name in for this job. THANKS Denny!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

chicken coop

Luc got the chicken coop done!! Its not perfect. Its not pretty. But its functional. Thanks, Luc!
The chickens have really been growing and changing. They are losing their "fuzz" and getting feathers. And they are starting to "fly" a bit!

all tuckered out

We just had to take a picture of this! This is how one of the kittens fell asleep! She is in Francine's bed, on her back, with her paws up. She slept like this for a while. It was so cute.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

chick update

Look at this chick perched atop of the drinker!! All six are doing good. They are really trying their wings and growing like crazy! They'll be outside in the coop soon....if I can get Luc to finish it!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Girls Night Out

Janet, Meg, Patty and I went out to Ciao's to celebrate Patty's birthday.
Happy Birthday, Patty! Glad you didn't decide to take a nap instead of going out :)
...and can always count on me to take your reject drinks.

Monday, June 7, 2010

It's been a zoo lately!

Meet the kittens! Cheech and Tiger!
I know....its been a little crazy lately. Last week...chicks, this week....kittens. These kittens needed homes and we needed a couple of cats around. Francine wants to play with them in the worst way! Pretty soon they'll be bigger than her! The chickens are doing real well. The chicken coop???...still not done. Luc needs to get a move-on!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Graduation Brunch

Today there was a graduation brunch at St. Richard. These four boys have been friends since grade K. Hard to believe they are HS graduates now.

Chip off the "old block"

Bob took this picture of Luc working in the barn on his old 1946 Willy's Jeep.....a proud moment for him. Luc is certainly a chip off the old block!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

the Chicks have arrived

The little peepers are here! 5 hens and 1 rooster. We'll be getting fresh eggs by October!