Brandon got a great summer job! He graduated from High School on the 23rd of May and started employment with ODOT on the 24th!!! No break whatsoever! ODOT has a great program for High School graduates enrolled in college for the upcoming fall. I believe it is a 12-week program. Its a full time job for the summer. He is working 6:30 to 3 everyday. He has mowed, trimmed weeds, been a flagger, picked up dead deer off state highways (ewww!), filled potholes, etc. I know its not always fun or easy, but I think he really likes it. He has met some really good people, learned a lot, is earning money for college, and probably has really learned the value of hard work. It is not easy to get this job and we have to thank our friend, Denny Viers. He put Brandons name in for this job. THANKS Denny!!